Gold Roof (Pvt) Ltd
It is my pleasure to introduce Gold Roof (Pvt) Ltd., which has been working in Pakistan for the last two years in prefabricated material production and construction sector. Our expertise in this industry extends from initial planning to full deployment of Pre-Fabricated projects such as housing units, schools, basic health units, hospitals, universities and other possible constructions.
Our vision is to provide pre-fabricated architecture comprising of energy saving complex construction materials with maximum thermal efficiency; meeting most of the requirements of modern architecture, including perfect heat-insulation, excellent sound proofing, dewdrop prevention and cost effectiveness. And above all provide housing solutions to the location where they are most needed.
Our strong founding principles and constant endeavors for perfection have enabled us to become one of the premier names in Pakistan’s highly competitive industry. Gold Roof (Pvt) Ltd’s has been synonymous with quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.
During our operations in the country we have worked directly and indirectly for international organizations like Central Asian Institution (C.A.I) a US based NGO, World Vision Pakistan and International Organization for Migration (IOM) and locally with Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority (ERRA), Kohat University and Air University, with many other projects currently under way. We are also importing raw materials from China which are being delivered to different organizations working in earthquake affected areas of Pakistan.
Gold Roof is working in partnership with Jiangsu First Construction Company, a Chinese provisional state enterprise. Along with the production facilities of our partner in China, we have a Pre -fabricated Panels’ Plant in Pakistan at Hattar (NWFP) established in collaboration of Jiangsu First Construction Company. Gold Roof and its partner enterprises have a maximum product